History of updates for the Instazood Dashboard

We Announce the New Version of Posting Service

A fantastic UI: Posting service designed has changed completely. It has been more user-friendly and organized that you can easily manage all you post and makes the changes before uploading.
Upload pictures/videos in “Album”: Now you can upload your posts in Album like Instagram via your Instazood dashboard.
Fix minor bugs: The performance has been improved and speeded up.
Professional image editing feature: You can crop, rotate, edit, etc. your pictures add tags and watermarks.

May 6, 2019

New Features Added to Schedule Post

Size: Now, you can choose the size of your picture. It can be Square, 4:3, 16:9 or resize it manually.
Filter: On the next step, you can choose a filter for your picture. Black and White, Vintage, Vignette, Negative, Crayon, Cartoon, Noise, etc.
Tag: The exciting point is, now you can tag users via Instazood Schedule Post.
Repost: You can set another date and time for reposting the current post.
And some other bug fixes and general improvements.

Feb 12, 2019

Different Social Media Platforms’ Services

Now you can use some Instazood options without any need to add your social media accounts to our platform. In the SMP section, you can buy likes, views, followers, stories, comments, dislikes, etc. for the provided social media. You just create an Instazood account, then by charging your balance you are able to use this feature for your social media platforms. We have added the most important platforms due to users’ requires in Beta Mode for some users on December 13th, and on the first of January of 2019, it is available for all users. The following list is the social networking services we have provided: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Google+, Twitter, Telegram, SoundCloud, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Shazam, Periscope, Spotify, MixCloud, RadioJavan, Vimeo, DailyMotion, and Twitch.

Jan 1, 2019


Enable Your Own Country Proxy

We have added this feature that you are able to activate the proxy for your account by choosing your own country just in your own Instazood dashboard > Proxy Settings. Buy our Proxy. This way, the bot will use an IP of your time zone and location, and it will reduce any risk.


Dec 20, 2018

Simple Mode Control Targets from One Panel

For better interface and access to statistics and switching on/off the features on target more efficiently and all in one place, we update the dashboard design. Now you can see the whole activities of the bot in the time you’ve set in the statistics bar in one box; there you can turn on/off the features for all targets. For example, if you turn the like on, on all of the targets the like feature will be turned on, and if you turn the comment feature off, comment feature on all of the targets will be turned off.
And also, in every target, you can see its conversion and overall coverage of all activities.

Nov 2, 2018

Improvements in Left Side of the Panel Global Design Changes

Make improvements and bug fixes on the left side of the panel. Now you can quickly swipe up the dashboard to left and right just by a click on an arrow on top of the dashboard on the PC version.

Aug 28, 2018

Schedule Post Visual Improvements

We are always looking for ways to better our service, and we just updated the interface of posting service for better visual sights. Bugs fixes, and some improvements been applied. All we did is just for the better insight of the dashboard and more attraction of it.


Aug 10, 2018

Updated stop-words Widget in Promotion Settings

Filters are one of the essential parts of the Instazood platform; they help you choose between services and make it work the way you want. Some accounts may use some spam, commercials and inappropriate words. You may not like to have interactions with them. So Stop Words filter lets you choose some words to prevent your bot from interacting with the users who have these words on their bio or usernames. Before you need to add these words by the pattern of_ word space comma word space comma_ and sometimes by not following this pattern the bot gets confused and not follow the orders. This is why for better result and avoid the confliction; we updated the stop words widget. Now it’s enough, you write the word and press enter, and there it goes.

Aug 9, 2018

Added the possibility to Use the Left Side and Right Side of Dashboard

We change the design of the dashboard to let the features be more accessible on the PC version of your dashboard; you can have a full screen of your targets and settings by sending the other information, like the number of followers and following proxy setting, and edit section to the left side of the dashboard. All we do is to make the visual segment of the dashboard better.


Jul 17, 2018

Updated Comment Tracker Interface and Design- Added the Negative Comment Detector

We just update the comment tracker module and make the interface better and fix some bugs for better use. We receive messages about negative comments that people write under their posts that bothers them and search for any solution to get rid of them before anybody can notice them. Our programmers just think to find a way for your comfort and develop the app to detect the negative words and sentences automatically. It has made our bot smart as before, and you can just take a breath and don’t worry about the negative comments you may receive and your followers may see.

Jul 2, 2018


Download Billings from Your Panel

To have your payments invoices, you had to ticket us and our support agents provided the billing paper with the given information and send them back to you. But today, we provide a section in your Instazood dashboard to have access to the billing of your payments of what date and with what information you like to download them by clicking ctrl+p

Jun 25, 2018

View Instagram Videos from Your Schedule Post Panel

Before for watching your video posts, you needed to go to your Instagram profile; you could just upload your videos via Instazood, not to watch them. But today, we provided this feature for more access to your needs. Now you can watch your videos via your Instazood posting dashboard, before or after you upload the videos into your account.

Jun 18, 2018


Buy Views from Your Schedule Post Panel

For buying views for your videos, you needed to go to your Instagram bot dashboard and click on the buying views button, but now for your comfort, we add a section to our posting service that after you posted a video, you can buy views straight from there or after scheduling your posts to be posted on future, you can also buy views to get applied after Instazood posted them in your profile.


Jun 18, 2018

New AJAX Loader Image

Had you noticed your panel dashboard when it was on the loading process? It was a circle that rolling, remember? Now for more attraction, we update the Ajax loader and make the abbreviation of Instazood, IZ, as a loading logo. Now you can see that a colorful IZ is rolling at the center of your dashboard when loading the page.


Jun 8, 2018

Added Instazood Local Proxy App

Instazood provides a dedicated IP for each of its customers. All the jobs we do is just for your accounts safety. BTW, the IP of your Instagram app differs from the IP of our servers; this is why we think about something that uses your own computer or phone IP. For the like issue that sometimes may get block by Instagram, we added the proxy feature to solve the issue, but some customers had a problem using it and then, we develop an application that you install it on your PC or laptop and uses your own IP. This way likes automation blocks and all other issues will be solved. It is available for Macintosh, Windows, and Linux.


May 8, 2018

Buy Likes from Your Schedule Post Panel

As you know, Instazood had provided a service to buy likes and views for your posts. For doing it though, you should go to the Instagram bot dashboard, click on buy likes/views, click on your posts to be able to have access to your posts to buy like for them. But today, we add a section to our posting service that after you posted a picture, you can buy likes straight from there or after scheduling your posts to be posted on future, you can also buy likes to get applied after Instazood posted them in your profile.

April 17, 2018

View Stories in Your Targets

Instazood Instagram bot in its promotion service, just do some activities depends on the targets you set. It follows accounts, like their pictures, comment under their posts and if you want, unfollow the accounts. And we just set it to do all these actions in a way to seems natural and just like human activities. And recently, with Instagram adding the Story feature to its app, we wanted to be up-to-date and just develop our Instagram bot and added viewing stories to our targets, to show the activities more natural, that somebody follows an account, like one of his posts, and watch its story.

April 10, 2018

Added “Refunded” Position to Buy Likes/Views Feature

Sometimes, system may give error not to deliver your likes, and it can be because of the traffics come to your account and be sent from our servers, it may make some conflicts and the money deducted from your balance to no avail, and likes don’t get delivered, and so it bothers you and we get uncomfortable about it, so we make a decision to change the algorithm to show you the refunded likes or views on your dashboard and the money get back to your balance. Now you can see which video or picture has been refunded to your balance to be able to re-purchase them.


April 3, 2018